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CASS Disability Services Policies
1101 Person Centred Practice
1102 Individual Values and Beliefs
1103 Privacy, Confidentiality and Dignity
1104 Duty of Care
1105 Decision Making and Consent
1106 Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation, Violence and Discrimination
1107 Advocacy
1108 Continuous Improvement
1109 Service Evaluation Policy
1110 Intake and Referral
1111 Need Assessment
1112 Participation and Social Inclusion
1113 Incident Management
1114 Participant Risk Management
1115 Support Planning
1116 Continuity of Supports
1117 Access to Supports
1118 Infection Control
1119 Food Handling
1120 Manual Handling
1121 Epilepsy Management
1122 Money Handling
1123 Management of Medication
1124 Transition and Service Exit
1125 Maintaining Participant Information
1128 NDIS Incident Management Policy
1129 NDIS and Conflict of Interest
1130 SDA and SIL Enrolment Policy
1130_1 SDA and SIL Enrolment Policy Addendum
1131 Behaviour Support Implementation Policy
1132 Eliminating Restrictive Practices
1133 Participant Safety and Security Policy
1135 Participant Matching Policy and Procedure
1136 Waste Management Policy
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